Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal history - Essay Example I have consistently cherished food in any case, one thing I was never permitted to do being the most youthful was to cook. My mom was a splendid cook and each one who tasted her uncommon delicacy adored it. I was certain that in all the suppers I at any point got the opportunity to take, none tasted superior to hers. There are times when my mom would leave for certain days leaving me under the consideration of my senior siblings and, it is during such occasions that I understood that her food was indispensable. Her nonattendance, paying little heed to the term, consistently carried with it a sentiment of wistfulness. It is during such a period, that I pledged to ensure that one day I would have the option to make dinners as delicious as, or shockingly better than, those of my mom. I longed for the day that I would get the chance to appreciate a dinner made without anyone else and that resembled that of my mom. The chance to make a dinner for myself didn't come until when I was ten years of age. I despite everything recall it was on a Saturday, and I had gone through portion of the day in the fields playing with my companions. I got the correct chance to rehearse my ability subsequent to finding nobody at home. Having watched my mom get ready and cook her suppers again and again for about 10 years, I accepted that I could likewise consummately do it. Attempting to recollect each progression that I had consistently observed my mom take in setting up her stew, I had the option to set up a stupendous stew which as per my senior siblings, tasted superior to that of my mom. This was a groundbreaking encounter. My first endeavor at cooking was an eye opener that acquired a lot of completely change me. It is through it that I trust I am better in settling on choices today. Despite the fact that this may appear to be an ordinary endeavor for a youngster yet me, it was an extraordinary encounter and a revelation of my latent capacity. It is for a fact that I no longer have questions or fears of what I should or shouldn't do. From that point forward, I have consistently accepted that nothing is unthinkable for me until I attempt. Moreover, my energy for

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wavelength Of 10 Or Higher And 11 Down. Gamma Rays Are Produced In Lab :: essays research papers

Frequency of 10 or Higher and 11 down. Gamma Rays are created in labs      Gamma Rays are Waves on the electromagnetic Spectrum that have a Frequency of 10 or Higher and 11 down. Gamma Rays are created in labs through the procedure of atomic crash and furthermore through the counterfeit Radioactivity that goes with these communications. The high vitality cores required for the crashes are quickened by such gadgets, for example, the Cyclotron and synchrotron.      There are additionally numerous utilizations for Gamma beams in Medicine. Gamma Rays are utilized in medication to murder and treat particular sorts of malignancies and tumors. Gamma beams going through the tissue of the body produce ionization in the tissue. Gamma beams can hurt the cells in our body. The beams can likewise distinguish mind and Cardiovascular Abnormalities. These are a portion of the numerous employments of Gamma Rays in Medication.      Gamma Rays are likewise Used a lot in advanced enterprises. Gamma Beams can be utilized to inspect metallic castings or welds in oil pipelines for frail focuses. The beams go through the metal and obscure a photographic film at places inverse frail focuses. In industry, Gamma beams are likewise utilized for recognizing interior deformities in metal castings and in welded structures. Gamma beams are utilized to murder pesticides and bugs in food. Gamma beams are likewise utilized in atomic reactors and nuclear bombs.      Gamma beams are frequently utilized in the food business. The radioisotopes save nourishments. Despite the fact that the beams never interact with the food, Beta radiation murders different creatures, for example, microscopic organisms, yeast, and creepy crawlies. Gamma beams are now and again utilized in science. They are utilized to identify Beryllium. They moreover assumed a significant job in the advancement of the nuclear bomb.      Gamma Rays can be hazardous to utilize or be in contact with. Gamma beams besiege our bodies continually. They originate from the normally radioactive materials in rocks and soil. We take a portion of these materials into our bodies from the air we breath and the water we drink. Gamma beams going through our bodies produce ionization in the tissue. Significant levels of gamma Radiation can produce ionization of the tissue and cause skin malignancy.      There are numerous manners by which we can shield ourselves from these destructive influences Protection from gamma beams can be gotten Using a sheet of iron that is a 1/2 inch thick. This sort of protecting will square just half of 1 million electron volts of Gamma beams. We can likewise shield ourselves from gamma beams with 4 creeps of water. Lead gives the most assurance from gamma beams.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Online Collaboration in the Classroom with Mind Maps

Online Collaboration in the Classroom with Mind Maps Online collaboration has become very popular in both education and business. We now have the ability to easily and freely share all file types using different cloud-based platforms. People working collectively on a project or assignment no longer need to be in the same room or even in the same country for that matter. Collaborative platforms have enabled educators to create online learning environments where students can benefit from sharing ideas and communicating with each other, their mentors and external organizations. Mind Mapping and Online Collaboration Mind maps are an excellent method for individuals to graphically represent and structure ideas or thoughts. It is a very valuable tool which can be used for project management, creating to-do lists, idea generation, planning articles or papers. When used as an online collaboration tool, mind mapping  also gives students a platform to work simultaneously on an idea, and a facility for learning together. Introducing mind mapping to students is a great way to encourage group participation and when managed properly, will generate great results. Benefits of Collaborative Tools in the Classroom Improved communication between students, lecturers, and research groups Facilitates visual thinking, promotes critical thinking Supports collaborative group projects Prepares for team work in a business environment Maps and files can easily be accessed from school and from home Collaborative Mind Mapping Uses Using mind mapping for collaboration presents students with the opportunity to share ideas with peers and to think creatively through social inspiration. Here are just some of the situations where mind mapping can be used as a solution for online collaboration: Managing group projects Class assignments Sharing lecture notes Brainstorming sessions Study sessions Group presentations The video below is an example of how multiple users can collaborate on one map theyre creating an IKEA shopping list for their office. All changes to the mind map can be seen in real-time by all collaborators Mind Mapping Example: Project Management Next time you are conducting  group projects in your classroom, encourage students to use a mind map from the beginning. To get started, students  can follow these easy steps: Create a mind map with the title of the project Invite all teams members to be collaborators Have a brainstorming session with all collaborators At this point, they  should have a map with many topics, ideas, and tasks to be completed. The next step is to appoint a team leader who can: Sort and structure all of the information in the map Delegate tasks, create deadlines and set reminders for each member Once this has been completed students  will have very quickly created a project plan and a great starting point for the project. Online mind mapping software such as MindMeister  also supports smartphones and tablets, meaning that students  can  access and work on their maps anywhere, anytime. Conclusion Online collaboration is becoming ever more important and is being used by businesses all over the world to increase productivity and creativity. Following the principle that two brains are better than one, many companies are taking advantage of new software being made available to them. Collaborating online has many benefits in education but it is also very important that students are prepared for such working environments after their studies. New online collaborative tools are emerging every day with numerous platforms for saving and sharing files, conducting meetings and managing projects. What sets online mind mapping apart from other such tools is its visual aspect. Not only can files be stored and shared on the cloud but you can also see and watch how the whole thought process evolves and how a conclusion is  formed. And because each collaborator can add to a mind map simultaneously, no one person can dominate the direction or outcome! Try Online Mind Mapping in Your Classroom

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Essay Topics for Atonement by Ian Mcewan

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Essay Topics for Atonement by Ian Mcewan Finding Essay Topics for Atonement by Ian Mcewan Online You might begin infusing a number of the present into your dreams to get started making it a little more realistic in route. All the dreaming on earth isn't likely to assist you in the event that you don't go and get your hands dirty. It requires work, it can be difficult. It brings about terrific shift in the total scheme of the novel, and for that, it can't be downplayed. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Essay Topics for Atonement by Ian Mcewan Once more, pain is beauty. It is an impossible task to attain atonement and modify the past, but we can move forward. The significance of atonement is also seen in the title in the event the novel is named Atonement, it's an important theme. In any event, one can't say that the coda at the conclusion of Atonement does not have any objective. Your email address won't be publish ed. Imagination is excellent up to a particular degree as it impacts the opinions of individuals. Terrific rating and excellent reviews should tell you whatever you want to understand about this excellent writing service. I would especially suggest it to individuals who either need to know the idea of meditation, or are pursuing it at a greater level (the previous area of the book brings some advanced practices and data on meditation). Cement represents death because it's all-ending, permanent, heavy, and hard to handle. The vase has an important part in the Tallis' family heritage. Cecilia has turned into a nurse, and it has cut herself off from her loved ones. As a result of this, she cuts off her family and refuses to speak to them again. Essay Topics for Atonement by Ian Mcewan - the Conspiracy Robbie and the rest of the soldiers are likely to acquire to the seaboard at Dunkirk. However, since the second area of the play comes by, an individual can realize that the in evitability of reunion does not permit the characters to escape scot free. The battle led to the diaspora of several indigenous groups in southern Africa. What's an innocent act is greatly misunderstood by the youthful imagination, and this also sets off a set of events with eternal consequences. Interactive fiction lets you know the start of a story, and then puts you in command of the way the story moves forward. The story concludes in a feeling of ambiguity. Among the biggest themes within this manuscript is the notion of reality vs. fantasy. All things considered, the coda is most a critical part of the novel. The opening is virtually perversely ungripping. The absolute most important purpose of the opening chapter is to learn more about the character of Briony. Focusing on at least one of these features, talk about the level to which you agree with this view. The History of Essay Topics for Atonement by Ian Mcewan Refuted It's a microcosm that she created with just a couple words. In the time of BookScan, only an unpublished writer is permitted to continue to keep his dignity. One of the chief ideas that McEwan explores within this novel is rationalism, a belief that actions ought to be based on thought in place of emotions or religion. Briony is still a youngster, there's no arguing that. Last, the author ought to be in a position to comment on the way the object fits into a general point that the book is attempting to make or at least draw attention to. After reading this quick section, the reader starts to pose questions regarding the novel overall. I would recommend this book to everyone who wishes to comprehend how corruption works. Finding Essay Topics for Atonement by Ian Mcewan This isn't the result MI5 wanted. If that's the case, please be certain to let us know these sources. In some instances, the description could be a couple of sentences. Nonetheless, the question remains whether this book is an adequate culmination of all of the readings in a 20th century British literature class. The typical novel is better for your company acumen than average small business book that's a paradox. Unfortunately, the reach of this paper can give only among the most prominent. How to start a research paper. But she isn't the only one who has misconceptions regarding the topic of human nature. Within this novel, the high level of imagination is regarded as a means for both retrieval and to dishonour oneself. As is generally the case, there was not any way to understand which interpretation was right until much later. It's now that one may observe that there's a specific level of inevitability that fate holds that no man or woman can escape from no matter how much they try and no matter which part of the planet they opt to isolate themselves to.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Workplace Free Essays

Workplace ShiftsSherry BestGrantham University March 20, 2018 The workforce is contingent with the teamwork of personnel and state. The workforce remain the main concern of employers everywhere. All areas of employment are touched by economics and its affected by births, plus the quality of training each person receives. We will write a custom essay sample on Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now 100 years ago, jobs were manufacturing in nature, what I mean is that individuals worked in factories or on an assembly lines. These types of positions weren’t very challenging because it’s a situation that was repetitious as the worker repeat steps. Subsequently new technology happens to be more demanding, very aggressive and creative. Women are employed within position that once was considered â€Å"only men were productive in. Work shifts are divided into three shifts for several organizations. They’re basically eight hours a shift and the employee usually work forty hours a week. Over the years the workforce has added four generation of workers. This has caused a distinctive effect on the workforce causing them to face the age differences. The HR knows the older generation of the past consequently will sway the future of various organizations. They know that achieving their goal depends on how workers. Also, the facts show that countless people are not retiring but are carrying on working well past the age of 65. HR specialists find that they’re having to formulate additional resolutions to link the demands relating to the workforce with the aging workers. Which requires HR specialists to understand and be able to execute ways to create jobs and to fill them with acceptable workers. Meanwhile workers and jobs are always transforming so organizations realize that they have diversity and the skill to maintain a balanced workforce being competent to accomplish their goals for the future of the organization. Also, companies have moved to global level with improved technology and communication. Besides more women employees entered the workforce which was not the state 100 years ago where women lives tended to be centered around their families. During WWI changed who the workforce would use once the men were either volunteering or being drafted to serve in the military which resulted in there was no one to fill the positions. So businesses hired the women to work in the men’s place. After showing the factories that the women were capable to carry out the duties that the men could do, but they were paid less for the same job. Since then women have demanded rights for equal pay and equal treatment. Because the workforce have become more diverse with gender, age, and culture it has caused organizations to change how they attain workers and maintain their numbers. The older workers are still present in the workforce is making HR to consider alternative ways for hiring, training, and what type of benefits plans to offer as enticements.Today HR managers needs to spend considerable time and money in training in new technology and keep them updated. The future US workforce groups in 2025 would be mostly aged population over 60 years. The workforce I filled with many kinds of technology such as computers, internet, smart phones and many mobile devices that has opened communication where everything seems to move at the speed of light. Therefore, HR will need to be on their toes to meet every task in the future. ReferencesAnderson, B. E. (2000). Journal of Economic Perspectives. Worker Protection Policies in the New, 207-214.DeCenzo, D. A. (2016). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. Danvers, MA: John Wiley ; Sons.Effortless HR. (2018). Retrieved from The Past, Present and Future Workforce: https://www.effortlesshr.com/blog/present-future-workforce-generations/Huczynski, A. ;. (2010). Organizational behaviour. London: Financial Times Prentice Hall.Khan, A. H. (2012). Impact of job satisfaction on employee performance: An empirical study of autonomous Medical Institutions of Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management, 2697.Micheal Bailey. (2018). Retrieved from Demographic shifts and the HR challenges of the future: https://www.michaelbaileyassociates.com/news/hr/demographic-shifts-and-the-hr-challenges-of-the-futureWomen in the Workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2010-09-15/edit-page/28241044_1_indian-women-chinese-women-chinese-counterpart How to cite Workplace, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Lakeside free essay sample

2) An over count of ending inventory would lead to a decrease in costs of goods sold which leads to an increase in net income. Anytime a company wants a higher net income there is the potential for over counting of inventory. This potential problem is especially significant in the audit of the Lakeside stores because manager’s of the each store get a bonus based on the store’s net income. They are also the same people who count the inventory. It would be very tempting for the managers to over-count their inventory in order to increase their bonus. 3) An undercount of ending inventory would lead to an increase in cost of goods sold which leads to a decrease in net income. A company may undercount inventory to defer payment of income taxes. This problem is more likely to occur to a company struggling with their cash flow. This potential problem is not especially significant to the Lakeside stores unless they wanted to reduce their current taxes. We will write a custom essay sample on Lakeside or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 4) In the engagement letter given to a client it says that â€Å"the auditor is able to obtain reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that material misstatements are detected. 1† This means the auditor is not responsible for ensuring there is not mistakes or misstatement but they are responsible for reasonable assurance. The judgment of the auditor is â€Å"required to be the informed judgment of a qualified professional person2† In other words the auditors at Chapman are judged by what the average auditor exercising due care would do. If they do this then they are providing reasonable assurance. Furthermore, Chapman must show all their work as proof that they did a thorough job auditing Lakeside and were not negligent during the audit. If the average auditor exercising due care would have detected the material misstatement then Chapman would be considered negligent in its audit of Lakeside, and Lakeside can receive payment from Chapman for any losses incurred because of Chapman’s negligence. Depending on the law of the state the Chapman firm may face a law suit from a third party if the third party can prove that the firm has a duty to exercise due care to the third party, the auditor breached the duty, and a connection between the auditor’s negligence and the third party’s injury as well as economic loss because of negligence. 6) This is done because management can manipulate earning by recording sales in one year and delaying returns until the next period after the end of the fiscal year. The auditor can ensure this manipulation is not occurring by doing a year-end adjustment to estimate ensuing returns. Along with this estimation the auditor should review sales returns at the beginning of the new fiscal year. 7) This testing procedure records the last tag number as a protective measure in case someone tried to create another tag after her observation to increase inventory. As stated in question 2 over counting of inventory is probably for Lakesides in order to decrease cost of goods sold thus increasing net income, which in turn would increase the manager’s bonuses at each store.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Free Essays on Comedia Dell Arte

One of the most popular forms of drama from the Italian Renaissance is Commedia Dell’arte. This drama is said to be an outgrowth of the Italian farce. (Herrick, 211) This all began around the fifteenth century, but did not become popular until the end of the sixteenth and all of the seventeenth century. Commedia dell’arte means an improvised or unwritten drama. There was never a script or set lines. However, the actors were given detailed plot outlines, also called scenarios, of what they would perform. In the outline the characters would be named, and given relationships, and the situations would be outlined as well. This information was then dived into scene, acts, prologues and epilogues. (Bellinger) With that information the actors would put everything together and began to improvise. The dialogue had to flow smoothly along with the storyline of the play. This caused the actors to be very discipline and be professional in everything that they do. The finest of them marked their parts with uniqueness, newness and vividness, and gave value to pieces that were usually worthless. Most of the actions were improvise except for certain gestures that the character is known for doing these were called Lazzi. Lazzi usually was acrobatic feats, juggling, or wrestling. An example of this would be a servant being so disgusted with an order his master gave that he does a somersault. Commedia dealt with the subject matter of disgraceful love intrigues, clever tricks to get money, out witting a simpleton. The actors began to form groups and travel together as troupes. By traveling they were not only popular in Italy, but in most of Western Europe. Since it was the same actors traveling around they would tend to be the same character. The actors tend to play the same part and rarely played more than one character. (Smith, 4) He would be typecast as that character and play it until he retired or died. The most popular characters were the †Å"... Free Essays on Comedia Dell Arte Free Essays on Comedia Dell Arte One of the most popular forms of drama from the Italian Renaissance is Commedia Dell’arte. This drama is said to be an outgrowth of the Italian farce. (Herrick, 211) This all began around the fifteenth century, but did not become popular until the end of the sixteenth and all of the seventeenth century. Commedia dell’arte means an improvised or unwritten drama. There was never a script or set lines. However, the actors were given detailed plot outlines, also called scenarios, of what they would perform. In the outline the characters would be named, and given relationships, and the situations would be outlined as well. This information was then dived into scene, acts, prologues and epilogues. (Bellinger) With that information the actors would put everything together and began to improvise. The dialogue had to flow smoothly along with the storyline of the play. This caused the actors to be very discipline and be professional in everything that they do. The finest of them marked their parts with uniqueness, newness and vividness, and gave value to pieces that were usually worthless. Most of the actions were improvise except for certain gestures that the character is known for doing these were called Lazzi. Lazzi usually was acrobatic feats, juggling, or wrestling. An example of this would be a servant being so disgusted with an order his master gave that he does a somersault. Commedia dealt with the subject matter of disgraceful love intrigues, clever tricks to get money, out witting a simpleton. The actors began to form groups and travel together as troupes. By traveling they were not only popular in Italy, but in most of Western Europe. Since it was the same actors traveling around they would tend to be the same character. The actors tend to play the same part and rarely played more than one character. (Smith, 4) He would be typecast as that character and play it until he retired or died. The most popular characters were the †Å"...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How Writers Can Become Songwriters

How Writers Can Become Songwriters I am lucky to make a living as both a songwriter and a â€Å"regular writer.† When I tell other writers about my songwriting, they typically respond with, â€Å"I wish I could do that!† My response is always, â€Å"Why don’t you?† I hear reasons like, â€Å"I don’t know how,† or â€Å"I can’t sing.† These excuses seem reasonable, but I’m here to tell you that if you’re a writer, you CAN be a songwriter and you CAN get paid for it! Here’s a step- 1. Analyze your strengths If you’re someone who doesn’t use a lot of creative writing, you’ll want to start putting some work into this. Songwriting is all about emotion. Take your latest piece of writing and see how it could be a song. If you’re thinking, â€Å"nothing I write could be a song,† here’s an example: Let’s say you’ve written an article about online shopping. It’s a straight-forward, how-to guide. What if the person shopping is buying things to care for a sick loved one? What if they have a spending addiction and need to stop? Use imaginative stories to find your lyrics. 2. Practice lyric writing Having a great story won’t matter if you can’t make it fit the music. This is the biggest issue with new lyric writers. They don’t know how to write in a way that will fit into a song. Songwriting is largely math-based. If line one has 6 syllables, line two should as well (you can play around with this once you’re experienced, but for now just keep it simple). Use a metronome and say your words out loud. Can you clearly speak them to a beat? If not, make edits. 3. Meet cowriters Now you’re ready to put your words to music! If you already play an instrument, you’re a step ahead. However, you can easily meet potential cowriters at open mic nights. I saw a woman read a poem she wrote at an open mic. She was so good that several people asked her to co-write after she was done! Practice speaking your words and getting into a rhythm, then perform them in front of musicians. If you’re stage-shy, post them on your website and social media. Connect with other writers and offer your awesome lyric writing skills. 4. Get co-writing credit This is where the money is. When you write a song with someone, whoever’s name is on the track gets paid. Determine how you’ll split royalties ahead of time (before the song is finished or released). Typically, if two people write a song they’ll split it 50/50. Decide how you want to split it and go from there. Do not give away your credit unless you are offered some type of up-front pay! 5. Get paid Now you’re at the point where you’ll pitch your songs to publishers. You and/or your co-writers will attend pitching events or submit Hopefully these tips will inspire you to try songwriting. It can be a fun and creative way to earn income, and you might write the next big hit!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sport and Exercise Psychology 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sport and Exercise Psychology 2 - Essay Example One of the most consistent findings within this vast research literature is the variability in well-being that people exhibit when they experience stressful life events. Constructs like vulnerability and resiliency reflect attempts to identify social, situational, and individual difference variables that either increase or decrease the likelihood that people will exhibit negative reactions to stressful events (Block & Block, 39–101, 2000; Compas, 393–403, 2000; Garmezy, 196–269, 2003; Kessler & McLeod, 620–631, 2003; Rutter, 389–395, 2000). Research on vulnerability and resiliency factors was stimulated in part by low and inconsistent relations between life events and outcome measures. Although statistically significant relations between negative life events and self-report measures of physical and psychological well-being have frequently been reported, seldom has more than 10–15% of the outcome variance been accounted for in studies using prospective designs. When objective outcome measures of physical well-being have been used, thereby eliminating the potential role of self-report biases, the amount of variance accounted for has shrunk to 1–5% (Rabkin & Streuning 389–395, 2004; Schroeder & Costa 389–395, 2003). Faced with a pattern of weak and inconsistent results, researchers have sought to identify psychosocial moderator variables that might affect the nature and magnitude of relations between life stress and well-being. Many studies have demonstrated that taking into account factors suc h as social support and certain personality variables results in stronger relations between life stress and both psychological and medical outcome measures (e.g., Barrera 389–395, 2002; Sarason, Sarason, Potter, & Antoni 389–395, 2003; Smith, Johnson, & Sarason, 188-235, 2003; Stone, Helder, & Schneider 389–395, 2002; Thoits

Sunday, February 2, 2020

From Britain Colony to American Satellite Essay

From Britain Colony to American Satellite - Essay Example Over the years, there have been numerous studies that have tried to examine the issue of Australia’s dependency on the prevailing power of capitalist America. Although most of the studies have dwelt on the nation’s economics and political economy, there are other studies that have sought to examine the culture, media and beliefs. Ideally, the concept of dependence in Australia’s foreign relations though most obvious in the political and military association with the United States, has also had a central economic and cultural angle. Although there are still those who disagree with this opinion, there is no denying that America’s values, organizations and policies reign not only in Australia’s external behavior but its economic and political sphere. While some analysts were reluctant to view America as imperialist or Australia as a satellite, most of the liberal minds agreed that these two terms defined the bilateral relationship of these two nations after the Vietnam War. This has been examined especially in the light of how Australia’s sovereignty and national identity have been infiltrated. From the mid 1980’s, Australia has bettered its relations with other Asian nations and has found it even harder to break the constitutional ties with Britain. This development has lessened the scholarly claims to this fact but the popular imagination still lingers. In essence, from the Australian mass media, the country is viewed as a ‘satellite community’ of the cosmopolitan United States.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Analysis of Tescos Stakeholders

Analysis of Tescos Stakeholders Tesco is a shopping mart where we can purchase our essential things. It can also be define as a global grocery and general merchandising vendor headquartered in UK. sir Jack Cohen founded Tesco in 1919, when he began to sell extra food stuff from a stall in the East End of London. Tesco first appeared above a shop in Edgware in 1929 and since then the company has grown and developed.Tesco is the third largest retailer in the world measured by income Tesco private limited corporation (PLC) is the major super mart in UK wihich has 29% of shares in market copmapred to other companies like adsa which has 17% shares in market. PLC is private limited company which has limited millstone in UK and not allow to offer its shares to public.Private. A public company does not much care about profit as it is providing the goods or service for the public. Public companies will not have to worry whether making profit or not because they are providing a service to the public. Purpose of tesco is to make money and invest and sale quality products.and provide reliable materials to consumers. Why do Tesco exist? Tesco exist to provide the goods and services to people earning money and profits from business .it provides jobs for workers Tesco provides daily need Products that customers demand like food, clothes, Home electircs,Sound and vision ,Bed and bath, Furniture and kitchen, Clothing and jewellery, Toys and gift, Baby and toddlers, Garden needs.products and services supplied at profit , at cost and below cost Tesco is getting profit by introducing new brands and also selling goods at lease.tehy are getting profit on products by supplying them to other countries and at whole sale. they can sell products by introducing off packages to customers at low prices for a specific duration which means to making them as a regular customers to gain profit in future. and also out of seasons sale which shows selling at low cost. Objectives of TESCO As TESCO is one of UK leading food retailers, with 519 stores England, Scotland and Wales.105 stores in France operated by Catteau and 44 in Hungary.Tesco meets the need of customers by low prices, product quality, choice, facilities and services to avail from home.Tesco is developing the talents workers through sound management and training practices,. Tesco maintaining its relationships with supplier by quality and price criteria. Tesco is co operating on making of food in industry .Provides good environment and protection. Ownership can be defined as Employee or executive who has the principle responsibility for a business, or projectThe public sector in this type of ownership only british people can get ownership in tesco to gain profit. Sole Traders controlled and financed by one person. least expensive form of ownership to organize. Sole proprietors receive all income generated by the business to keep or reinvest. Partnerships contains 2 -20 members who share their assets and profits from business. Public Limited Companies (PLCs) shares to the general public it contains Minimum of 2 but no maximum number of shareholders Private Limited Companies contains financed and controlled by between 2 and 50 shareholders. Franchises .A business which has bought the right to trade under established namein different cities.e.g mcdonalds,KFC. Co-operatives It contains Groups of people who enter business and share the benefits sustomers Co-operatives, Producer Co-operatives, Worker Co-operatives. Charitable trust for helping famines and collect funds from rich .and also receive funds from GOVT. P2 The Stakeholders of each Organization Stakeholder is a person, group or organization that has direct and indirect position in organization. it is affected by organizations rules, polices and decisions. internal stakeholders. They work inside the Tesco e.g employee, owners. External stakeholders: pressure groups trades unions employee government local and national communites Stakeholders in business organisation: Supplier Owners Government Creditors Customer Directors Workers Community Unions Key stakeholders in a business organization Customers. These are the people who buy products from shops ans to save lives of needy people. customers want reliable products and at low prices. Employees includes directors, owners, managers Directors: They have a direct financial stake in the business because they have taken a risk by investing in the business Managers: They are responsible for obtaining goals creating atmosphere of work among workers of Tesco, each managers has handles accounting, law marketing, sales production Suppliers: they supply products to Tesco at commercial level. They supply goods to different branches. They always be in touch with tesco to supply products. Owners: they are the business, assets holder, and pays the workers.pressure groups not put up candidates for election, but seeks to influence government policy rules. Trade unions function is discuss pay and working conditions and creates discipline among workers Employee Associations they set up pay packages and employees for resolving argument. Board of Directors Finance department Marketing sales department Production department Finance manager Accountant Marketing manager Area sales manager Sales staff Production manager Production supervisor Production workers Human resource department Human resource manager Clerical assistant ICT department Board of director is a group of people nominated by the owners of a business who have decision-making authority, voting authority specific responsibilities which in each case is separate and distinct from the authority and responsibilities of owners and managers of the business entity.Finance department is to keep control over the use of funds in the organisation i.e. the funds are using according to the planing and accord with the organisational objectives.Finance manager participates in preparation of financial reports, direct investment activities, and implement cash management strategies.Accountant helps managers to make reports, investments (savings), and tax implementations.handles profit loss details,cost production,financial statements. Marketing sales department function is to understand users requirments/needs and fulfil their needs exactly with high- quality goods and respond to a customer enquiry correctly. Sales managerSell products and services to the customer in order for the business to keep on running and become the number one retailer.they make products available for future customers and existing customers.Production Tesco is to make sure that the goods of Tesco are produced on time and is in a suitable quality for the customers.and maintain furniture.Production manager manages all kind of goods should ready at customers needs.and at given time and at exact time and standard.Production workers made goods according to the user demands and works exactly in uniform way.Human resources aim to make sure that businesses keep hold of good experienced staff and let go of poor staf they work internally in business Human resources aim to make sure that businesses good experienced staff and let go of poor staf They d eal with the workforce, planning, recruitment, training and paying issues.ICT (International Computers and Tabulators) Its main function is to check that all data of Tesco is stored properly. all computer software are working, all business websites are accessing.(tescopls.com) P4 Tesco Mission and values Planning, calculating and the passing of information form rival is called mission. Tescos mission is to earn profit and sale pure goods. and to sale goods online by using website tesco.com and public dealing in good manner to make regular customers And create significance for customers to earn their lifetime reliability. Values Values of an organization defines it standards.they show Respect to each others Try to give their best Want to be energetic and fit. Tesco strategies to become are successful international trader , To become famous business party. To be good food provider To put community at the heart of what we do. Objectives Tesco increasing customers by offering buy 1 get 1 free.Tesco offers best reasonable prices. Tesco meets the need of customers opinions regarding advance, product quality, choice, store facilities and service Tesco is the main profitable investment with progressive return. Tesco is developing the talents of its people through sound management and training practices, while rewarding them fairly with equal opportunities for all. Tesco maintaining its relationships with supplier (product makers) on strict quality and price criteria. Tesco is co operating on making of food in industry. Provides good environment and protection Strategic Planning Tesco is try to make shopping easy and comfortable.Seeking to low price to help people and so they spend less.Taking simplicity and importance to complicated markets. Smart objectives of Tesco Specific Tesco wants to make profit its sale Measurable Tesco is leading in business by its major shares in market Achievable tesco achieve its goal by increasing its customers and making profits Tesco has achieved it by good quality products Realistic tesco is third big company in world M1 Point of Views of different stakeholders Directors the business through meetings with top managers and managing stretegies for progress of tesco.Employees should work hard on making good quality products that will make profit and also increase pay and conditions of Employees and also helpful for safety, health and pension arrangements. Customers views are to getting latest brands and saving by low price products. D1 Evaluate the influence different stakeholders exert in one organization Stakeholders stand for great influence in organization. Developing countries employees make fashionable clothes and brands to exert little power over their employers to give them jobs and getting new products. Owners are the organizations main stakeholders and gain profit and pays all bills and wages to workers and remain profit shares with shareholders directors pay attention to make strategy and decisions regarding organization Government influences by law rights to change behaviour of environmental or health and safety. Employees exert main role in business profit or loss. When the economy is active they work hard and make extra products. Customers also create great influence within an organization. By purchasing products from store or online at low prices.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Offshoring Paper Essay

This article talks about a trend that started as far back as the 1980’s when companies began sending many jobs abroad mainly because of cheap labor. However, that trend is quickly changing. Companies are discovering that the wage gap is narrowing and many of the disadvantages are now starting to outweigh benefits of sending jobs abroad. One of the points mentioned in the article is that wages in china have risen 10-20% in the last 10 years, whereas wages in America and Europe have remained about the same. Also, another disadvantage of send production abroad is that shipping can be very expensive. In recent years shipping costs have gotten higher such that the cost of producing elsewhere and shipping to the US is no longer as cheap as it used to be. The time factor is also a big issue. Many times transit takes as long as six weeks which makes it hard for companies to fulfill their orders in a timely manner. In conclusion, the article makes a note that a lot of companies are now rethinking their decision about going offshore. Opinion Most of the companies went offshore to save money, and I can see where they are coming from after all the whole goal of having a business is to make profits however in my opinion many of the companies did not take the time to properly analyze the other costs involved in moving jobs offshore. Many also forgot to consider how it will affect the quality of their service when it comes to shipping time and sometimes the quality of the product. I am very happy that many jobs are coming back and I think the government needs to do more to encourage the companies. They should offer tax reductions where necessary so that America will be able to compete in the global market. I also like the point the article makes, that just because companies are tending towards reducing offshoring does not mean they will be less global, infact distributing their activities more evenly around the globe will make most companies more efficient.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

DIY U Edupunks, Edupreneurs and the Coming Transformation...

Professor Go Sociology C100 15 December 2013 DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education A typical eighteenth-century American college was loosely modeled after England’s Oxford and Cambridge. In the colonies there were nine colleges founded before the Revolution and they are still in business today. They are Harvard, William and Mary, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Penn, Brown, Rutgers, and Dartmouth. In 1851 Reverend Absalom Peters remarked â€Å"Our country is to be a land of colleges.†(Chapter 1 Page 2) There were two periods in history of upheaval in American higher education they were â€Å"catastrophic angst.† The first was in the 1860’s the emergence of modern university. Then after World War II the†¦show more content†¦Higher education is a $320 billion economic sector. New technology puts different jobs at risk. Funding for higher education is failing to make college more affordable, because it is going to the wrong people. Colleges give more help to rich kids then they do poor kids. They do this to attract higher academic achievers, athletes, and artists. A group spent $171 million on aid for poor kids in 2003 for families that made less than $20, 000 a year. Rich kids received $257,000 in aid from families making more than $100,000 a year. Some students will have to make $94,000 a year to pay off student loans within 10 years. College cost has been rise about 6 to 7 percent a year. A headline from the New York Times, â€Å"Higher Education May Soon Be Unaffordable for Most Americans.† (Chapter 3 Page 51) For the poorest of Americans it will cost 55% of their income to attend public university. A teacher said she made just under $100,000 a year which is only a quarter of what each of her students pay. If the economy is good colleges expand facilities and programs and increase tuition. When the economy is not so good the colleges state subsidies atrophy and tuition still goes up. Student loans have more than doubled in the past ten years from $44.6 billion to $94.5 billion. Student loan defaults peaked at 22% in 1992. Banard University held and experiment on private school loans. A drastic 73% drop in private loans due to one change by talking to aShow MoreRelated Designing A Degree2099 Words   |  9 Pagesbroad educations and producing well-rounded students that are ready and able to work in various jobs. However, today it is challenging to break into the work force. Students with more specific studies are finding greater success in their job search after college. For this reason, individualized studies programs have exploded across the country. Individualized studies are a create-your-own-major approach to education. These programs allow students to design and personalize their college education byRead MoreThe Evolution of Individualized Major Programs3401 Words   |  14 Pageshas been a struggle for educators and administrators since the creation of universities. This struggle has continued throughout the evolution of the American higher education institutions. Starting with Harvard University in the 17th century and following all the way through to today where there are over 4,000 institutions of higher education in the United States. The goals of universities have stayed relatively the same in that they want to create prepared individuals who go out into the world ready